

12 - 26 April 2015

Solo Show

Official opening: Sunday 12th April 2015, 3 pm, at the Octagonal Room, City Assembly House, 58 South Willam Street, Dublin 2.

Guest Speaker: Patrick Guinness, President of the Irish Georgian Society

The show is accompanied by a catalogue with an essay by Oleksandra Osadcha.

The Counterpoint is a musical term that describes the combination of two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality.
Jordi Forniés is currently in Asia for two research masters: one based on the interaction of painting and music, with the Lasalle College of the Arts (in Singapore) and Goldsmiths University of London, and another one based on the use of unconventional materials in painting with The University of Sydney.
“The concern of counterpoint was not the successful and supplemental addition of the voices, but organization of music in such a way that is had an absolute need of each voice contained within it – that each voice and each note fill a precise function within the texture. The structure must be so conceived that the relationship of the voices to each other determines the progression of the entire composition and, ultimately, its form.” Theodor W. Adorno (“Philosophy of New Music”, first published in 1949)


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